ExtraTorrent Says Goodbye

ExtraTorrent Says Goodbye

May 17, 2017

Farewell, ExtraTorrent ExtraTorrent is probably gone for good. Our friends at Torrentfreak gave us the bad news this morning that one of the more popular torrenting sites, ExtraTorrent, has decieded to shut down permanently. ExtraTorrent Shuts Down https://t.co/ddHCB09v6A pic.twitter.com/An0M4bFtlJ — TF (@torrentfreak) May 17, 2017

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Gesture Analysis: Could your Movements be Hacked?

Gesture Analysis: Could your Movements be Hacked?

May 7, 2016

Smart phone and tablet developers will need to put better security measures in place to keep hackers and governments out of their devices. Many newer generation devices implement fingerprint readers in place of passcodes, which are often promoted as a stronger security feature.

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AdBlock Plus Wants you to Pay for what you Read Online

AdBlock Plus Wants you to Pay for what you Read Online

May 3, 2016

Online publishers often hate ad-blockers like AdBlock Plus. Owners of smaller blog sites complain that they get little to no revenue from the work they produce. You may have also noticed some major news sites like Forbes and Wired have restricted access to

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Project Sansar: The “Second Life” of VR

Project Sansar: The “Second Life” of VR

Apr 26, 2016

See ya later, real life! The creator of Second Life, the socially-focused online world, is looking for 3D content creators to make “social experiences in virtual reality” (Venturebeat). Linden Lab recently put out an application for users of 3D Studio Max, Unity and

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Snapchat Users in UK Could Face Jail for Saving Pics

Snapchat Users in UK Could Face Jail for Saving Pics

Mar 28, 2016

In the UK, Snapchat users could face trouble if they take screen shots of their friend’s photos without permission and share them with others. The Government’s culture minister has stated that “anyone who who screenshotted a Snapchat message and shared it with others

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PlayStation 5 and Xbox 2 May be Launched Earlier than 2020

PlayStation 5 and Xbox 2 May be Launched Earlier than 2020

Dec 28, 2015

Reports are coming in that suggest that Microsoft and Sony could be launching their next-generation consoles earlier than we thought. The release date for both consoles has been predicted to be 2020 based on the histories of their previous release dates, however journalists

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The Hacker Wars Movie: An Overview

The Hacker Wars Movie: An Overview

Dec 2, 2015

“The Hacker Wars” Movie Trailer: What motivates someone to hack? What is a hacker’s life like? These are the questions the documentary “The Hacker Wars” seeks to answer and present to the viewer. In addition to these questions, the documentary seeks to show

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How to Install Tor Browser for Linux

How to Install Tor Browser for Linux

Nov 26, 2015

Do you use a Tor browser to make yourself anonymous on the internet? Want to make it better? Try using the Tor browser for a Linux machine running Ubuntu. What is a Tor browser? It is a browser that works in conjunction with

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3D Bioprinting – 3D Printing Human Tissue and Organs

3D Bioprinting – 3D Printing Human Tissue and Organs

Nov 15, 2015

There are many dangers associated with organ transplants. The organ has to match the body. If not, the body could reject the organ making a very dangerous situation for the patient. What if you could just print it? What if you could just

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Bitcoin 101 – What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin 101 – What is Bitcoin?

Nov 13, 2015

Imagine a currency that is not tied to any country. Imagine a currency that isn’t even regulated either by government or any outside entity. If you can imagine that then you’ve imagined something called  bitcoin. Bitcoins sound like something straight out of a

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