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Gaming News

PlayStation 5 and Xbox 2 May be Launched Earlier than 2020

Avatar of adezero
  • December 28, 2015
  • 2 min read
PlayStation 5 and Xbox 2 May be Launched Earlier than 2020

Reports are coming in that suggest that Microsoft and Sony could be launching their next-generation consoles earlier than we thought. The release date for both consoles has been predicted to be 2020 based on the histories of their previous release dates, however journalists at Techspot have argued that we may be able to get them sooner for a couple of reasons:

“The typical lifecycle of a premium console is around seven years in the mainstream and another three years or so before being put out to pasture. The next consoles from Sony and Microsoft, however, are expected to break this cycle and arrive ahead of schedule due to a number of factors.” – Shawn Knight at Techspot

One such factor is the rush to move toward 4K resolution or Ultra High Definition (UHD) which will feature higher resolution, faster refresh and better color quality than the current HDTVs. Game consoles will need to keep up with this trend as more people buy these new types of televisions. Another factor is virtual reality. With the release of Oculus VR on the horizon, today’s current consoles will take a backseat to three dimensional gaming environments if they don’t keep up with new technology.

This is all good news for gamers. Additionally, if rumors hold true, Xbox fans may see their favorite console released before PS5.

“Rumours indicate that gamers will most likely see the Xbox Two in action before PlayStation 5. It was confirmed recently that the Microsoft will be working on (or may possibly even already be working on) a successor to the Xbox One. Everyone is calling it the Xbox Two.” –Patrick Mabilog – Christian Today 

This competition between manufacturers is an exciting race toward the future of gaming.

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1 Comment

    Avatar of Brain_san
  • “Xbox 2” ? Either a counting lesson or a history lesson is needed here.
    1) Xbox
    2) Xbox 360
    3) Xbox One
    4) ???

    Though given the way Microsoft numbers Windows releases, maybe “Xbox 2” is completely accurate.

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