WannaCry? Ransomware Spreads Globally…
A ransomware attack began last week in Europe, targeting thousands of computers running Windows. Ransomware is malicious software that makes it impossible for the user to access their computer files unless they pay a ransom. Ransomware attackers frequently ask to be paid in bitcoin. Often times, even after the ransom is paid, the user still does not regain access to their files. The name of the worm that targets the Windows OS is called Wannacry (or WannaCrypt, WanaCrypt0r 2.0, Wanna Decryptor)
Here are some updates about the Wannacry ransomware attack from some top tech sources as well as clever comments from the internet:
NSA says ransomware was like “fishing with dynamite”
NSA agents say using EternalBlue, the leaked exploit used in WannaCry ransomware, was like “fishing with dynamite” https://t.co/5v8ZZZZvDw pic.twitter.com/oW75jBOPkC
— Mikael Thalen (@MikaelThalen) May 17, 2017
Quick guide on how it all works:
Here's a quick demo on how #WannaCry ransomware works, and how Sophos Intercept X protects against it: https://t.co/GgAaXshxJI pic.twitter.com/Imub1qlwAz
— Sophos (@Sophos) May 16, 2017
More leaks coming….
Hackers behind stolen NSA tool for WannaCry: More leaks coming https://t.co/7WzM00mvMS pic.twitter.com/1mmKimWCd2
— CNET (@CNET) May 17, 2017
Leave Wannacry Hero Alone!
The guy who stopped WannaCry just wants to be left alone https://t.co/V6LtwAf5M3 pic.twitter.com/ImueCHmWqg
— Mashable (@mashable) May 16, 2017
“A stealthy cryptocurrency-mining malware that was also using Windows SMB vulnerability at least two weeks before the outbreak of WannaCry ransomware attacks.”
A Cryptocurrency Mining Botnet had hacked over 150,000 computers using same SMB Exploit weeks before #WannaCry https://t.co/gEhOwYLhN5
— The Hacker News (@TheHackersNews) May 16, 2017
IBM Suggestions to protect yourself from ransomware
4 actions to protect your business from the #WannaCry ransomware attack. Patch, Block, Monitor, Response Plan: https://t.co/Rom89tvxVI pic.twitter.com/Yb6wGdiIkw
— IBM (@IBM) May 17, 2017
Microsoft be like
#Microsoft on #WannaCry attack be like. pic.twitter.com/gK4YrSdAln
— HackRead (@HackRead) May 16, 2017
“The Wannacry Starter Pack”
The “WannaCry” Starter Pack pic.twitter.com/QrNm29dL66
— Malware Unicorn (@malwareunicorn) May 17, 2017
VXShare claims to have access to Wannacry samples
Looking for #wannacry samples? Currently showing 71 in the corpus thanks to generous researchers!
— VirusShare (@VXShare) May 16, 2017
Some Linux users are gloating
Linux user watching #WannaCry ransomeware while attacking windows users #infosec pic.twitter.com/yyDb4i0q2P
— Awais (@Aysh_pk) May 16, 2017
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Photo Credit: christiaancolen